If you’d like to speak to us kanohi ki te kanohi but you’re unable to travel to one of our offices, you can attend paneke, which offer Māori Land Court services in smaller centres across the motu.
Paneke means to ‘pass by’ or ‘pass through’ and it is the term used to refer to Māori Land Court services away from the district offices. Paneke are an opportunity for court users based in smaller towns and centres to meet with our kaimahi and kōrero about:
completing application forms
submitting an enquiry
searching the court record
updates on current applications and enquiries
updating information in Pātaka Whenua
other services normally available at a Māori Land Court office.
To request an appointment at an upcoming paneke, submit an enquiry through Pātaka Whenua or contact your nearest office.

Te tuku uiui
Submit an enquiry online
Send us an enquiry online in Pātaka Whenua. When you get there, click on submit enquiry.