If you would prefer to attend the court hearing remotely, please contact us to request to join by phone or video.
Requesting a remote court sitting
If you would like to attend your court hearing remotely, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can make arrangements on our end.
Before sending a request through please note:
- Approval to attend a court hearing remotely must be approved by the judge. If your request is declined, you must attend in person.
- You are responsible for all matters relating to the operation of the technology, including any costs to operate your technology.
- We cannot supply you with technology or technical support. You may wish to seek further assistance or support from your whānau.
- If your request is approved, you must participate in a test call to ensure the technology you're using is reliable.
The required software and technology
If you want to attend a court hearing remotely, please make sure you have access to reliable technology, Wi-Fi, and software. This helps to ensure the hearing goes as smoothly as possible for you and your whānau.
Before the court hearing, we will contact you to arrange a test call. The test call is to:
- Confirm that you can join by telephone or video-conference successfully and that you can use the technology.
- Confirm the court protocols.
- Answer any pātai you may have.
If you are attending by phone, you will need a working landline or mobile phone, and you will need to provide us with your contact number.
If you are attending by video, you will need:
- a reliable mobile phone, computer, laptop, or tablet with video and microphone capability
- a stable internet connection either by WI-FI or mobile data.
If you're using a computer or laptop, you will need:
- Windows 7, 8 or 10 or MacOS X 10.7 (Lion) or later
- a supported web browser:
- Firefox 10 or later
- Chrome 18 or later
- Internet Explorer 8 or later (not Edge).
Remote court sitting protocols
The court protocols are the same for a remote hearing as they are for an in-person hearing. although you are attending remotely, it is still a formal occasion.
We suggest that you:
- Find a quiet and appropriate room with no loud noises or distractions.
- Dress appropriately, as you would when you’re appearing or attending a court sitting in person.
- Ensure you can be seen on camera, with your head and shoulders in view.
- Don’t eat or drink during your court appearance. It can be very distracting and will interfere with the sound quality.
- Familiarise yourself with the control buttons, for example the volume and mute button.
- Ensure that your device is muted when you join the hearing, as you may join while another application is still being heard. Please wait until your application is announced to unmute yourself, confirm that you’re present, and let the court know if any other people are present with you.
- Address the judge as ‘Your Honour’ or ‘Judge’ when speaking with them.
- Speak clearly into your phone or microphone and state your name before you speak.
- If there are other people attending or appearing for the same matter, please mute your device while other people are speaking.
- Reconnect if the connection fails during your hearing. If it fails again, contact the court immediately.
- Disconnect from the call as soon as the court hearing finishes.

Te haere ā-tinana ki te kōtitanga
Attending a court hearing in person
Read our guidance for attending a court hearing in person.