If you cannot find all of the information you need in Pātaka Whenua, you can visit one of our district offices to view the physical record in person.
Records available for viewing
Most of the record is available to the public for viewing in hard copy. Information about whenua is generally held by the district office that is located closest to that land block. You can visit one of our offices to view:
- current and historic ownership lists for whenua Māori
- minutes of hearings of Court and Registrar decisions
- current and historic memorial schedule information recording leases, occupations and other land uses
- orders made by the court or a Registrar – including:
- title orders (creating Māori land)
- trust orders (names of trustees and terms of trust)
- succession orders (names of successors to an estate)
- vesting orders (transfers of shares in Māori land)
- status orders (declaring the status of land to be Māori land or general land)
- Māori reservation recommendations (purpose and beneficiaries of a Māori reservation)
- Māori Incorporation orders (creating Incorporations and setting objects for the Incorporation)
- orders of the Chief Judge
- plans of Māori land
- title notices affecting Māori land (such as gazette notices, copies of leases and mortgages)
- personal files (estate files)
- closed application files.
Making copies of the court record
We can send you copies of the court record as PDF documents via email, free of charge.
Photocopies of the record can be provided at our offices for a cost of:
- 20c per black and white page
- 40c per colour page.
As part of our responsibility to care and protect the court record, and because much of that record is old and sometimes fragile, it is not always possible to view the physical record.
If you have any pātai about viewing documents in hard copy, please contact us.