We hold court sittings, paneke, outreach hui, and trustee training sessions, both kanohi ki te kanohi and online.
Ngā kōtitanga Court hearings
Each district holds court sittings at their local office and in various other locations across the motu. Court sitting schedules are published in the National Pānui each month.
Paneke Offsite services
If you’d like to speak to us kanohi ki te kanohi but you’re unable to travel to one of our offices, you can attend paneke, which offer Māori Land Court services in smaller centres across the motu.
Whakangungu taratī Trustee training
If you have recently been appointed as a trustee, or are thinking about becoming one, you can attend online trustee training to learn about your role and duties.
Ngā pānui kaipupuri whenua Landowner notices
For some applications, landowners will need to notify other owners of their application to the Court ahead of time so they can attend hui, support the application, make a payment offer, or object to the application.

Hei āwhina
Need help?

Nau mai, haere mai. You can contact us through our new online portal, Pātaka Whenua, or by phone, email, or post.